Legal Highs

Pink Panther Legal High
Pink Panthers is widely known in the research chemical world. This research chemical compound has in..
2C-B-FLY Legal High
Take a trip to 2C-B-FLY country. Contains: AKB48, also known as N-(1-adamantyl)-1-pentyl-1H-indazo..
Blurberrys Legal High
So fresh, so clean; it’s no wonder that so many of our customers always include the Blurberrys in th..
Diclazepam Legal High, 5 pills
Diclazepam pellets and party pills pack of 5. Diclazepam is a positive allosteric modulator of t..
Druids Fantasy Legal High
Truly a gift from the gods of Middle Earth; Druids Fantasy contains a concoction of natural ethnob..
EX1 Legal High
Do not pinch yourself, we have not invaded your dreams, the legendary status EX1 really has returned..
High Beams Legal High
A popular part of our chemical collection, our 3rd generation High Beams are an improvement in every..
Punk Plus Legal High
Calling all Punks! Herbal Highs supports your anti-authoritarian struggle with the return of our cla..
5-EAPB, 5 Pills
5-EAPB is available in pellet form. Each pellet contains 120mg of product. 5-EAPB is structurally re..
AMT Legal High, 5 Pills
Take a ride to the edge of bliss where you have the option of jumping off right into party mode. Yea..
Diclazepam Pills, 5 Pills
Diclazepam Pills. (7-chloro-5-(2-chlorophenyl)-1-methyl-1,3-dihydro-2H-1,4-benzodiazepin-2-one) is a..
Flubromazolam Legal High, 5 pills
Flubromazolam is a psychoactive drug of the benzodiazepine class with very long 18 hour duration. Gr..
Sparklee, 5 Pills
Sparkle E is something between cocaine and Ecstacy its a unique and interesting legal MDMA. Smooth h..